Students are the foundation of future for any nation; youth
is the strength, the power, the intellect and an asset to its country.
Education is the prime necessity in today’s time, especially in developing and
under-developed countries, as it is the only ray of hope in these nations. We
hear people proudly say: my son is a
doctor, my daughter is an engineer, I want my grandson to do his PhD, my wife
is a management graduate and I have done masters in education. But, in a race
to be literate and face the challenges of a fast pacing world we have forgot
the actual meaning of education.
Let us first know that “Literacy IS NOT Education”, they are
two different terms, with different meanings and motives! Literacy means to
know how to read, write and speak; literacy is what we are taught in schools
and colleges these days, it lies between the two covers of a book. But,
literacy doesn’t give you a thoughtful outlook towards life; it doesn’t give
you feelings towards your family and society at large; it doesn’t provide you
with virtues like confidence, respect & morals; neither does it make you
human! Here the need to be Educated arises. Education teaches you how to merge
your literary intelligence with your emotional quotient and make a combination
that can bring success to win over the world.

So, who is responsible to make our society educated:
Teachers, parents, friends or oneself? If we expect changes to happen, we must
also understand that changes can’t be made single handedly, we all must,
together, work towards bringing a change. Teachers must stop thinking that
their only responsibility is to make sure a student gets good grades, they must
also make sure a student explores his creative side, practices compassion with
his mates, is kind and thus, the teacher herself must practice alternate
methods of teaching. Parents must stop thinking that grades is the only way to
success, they must also understand that learning is essential as well, they
must ensure overall development of the child by making him responsible, loving,
honest, caring and respectful, hence, the parents must practice similar virtues
at home. Because the best way a child learns, is by imitating! Children must be
taught to be self-reliable right from a tender age to make sure that the
foundation of confidence in oneself is strong. So, the need to be right all
time vanishes and the student shall be free to learn-unlearn-relearn! When we
tie these tiny souls to the thread of “being correct”, they stop learning new
things fearing “mistakes”. We, as elders, must respect the fact that one learns
only if they make mistakes and those who work are bound to make mistakes. So
rather than throwing criticism or advices towards them, we must let them learn
to make a way out themselves. We must trust them for this!
The process of learning is easy, one time job! But, to be
with the flow one must learn how to unlearn old practices. This can be a little
tough as one has to erase what is harmful or unnecessary or rigid. And finally,
once we have unlearned, the process of relearning the same things in a
different way begins. This is the toughest phase, because, it involves new
thought process, new methods and moreover, a new way to look at old things! We
have heard of recycling old things to avoid wastage and make new things that
are more useful. Here, we have to follow the same pattern, we are trying to
change what is outdated to make way for things that are new, thoughts that are
modern and practices that are flexible. This, in real terms, is being educated.
We must therefore learn to be educated and teach to be educated as well!
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