I have always enjoyed rains, the splatter of water on the roof, the petrichor in the air, and a sweet feeling of what never was. The rains have brought relief to the scorching heat but it’s the onset of winter, a tell-tale sign, get ready to learn to slow down. It is lush green outside, and just a few more weeks of autumn will change this to the hues of yellow and orange. The trees shed leaves and the birds make cosy nests. The chirping of sparrows will diminish too and the sun will only peek in every now and again. The only thing that doesn’t change here is the warmth and love of the people around us. I sip my morning tea, watching the sun rise as I witness the beauty of change and wonder why people run from it. The uncertainty of life is what makes it so interesting.
Every house that we turned into a home, is a memory that is unerasable. Somewhere, in the dusty corner of my heart, lives a kitchen where we cooked delectable meals which I didn't know then, was also nourishing our souls. When I smell tequila, I remember the crazy fun we had laughing till our stomachs hurt, in a house somewhere unknown. As I hear the traffic go by, in the distance I hear conversations happening on my balcony, they were so deep that it moved my soul. I did not know then that the life I was creating was a life I would live forever with, the best one there is.
Days pass by and so do nights. Festivities come and go, and seasons change but we remain here, with one another. We bring to our little home, lights, colors, love, kindness, and loads of fun. We’re here, far away from home, far away from celebrations, far away from loved ones. But we’re celebrating the spirit of joy with the beautiful people around us every day. May our home and all our future homes find us to be a little more familiar. May our friends and family always come over for coffee and conversations. May our bars always get people drunk and may our kitchens always have dirty dishes from the night before.