Friday, 13 December 2013

Why Can't I be ME

All our lives we've been brought up to be "ourselves", "love" our self what we are, "accept" others as they are AND now suddenly the supreme court of India passes a law: "Homosexuality is illegal". I do not know how other's would interpret this decision but, to me, it is a very sensitive matter manhandled by our law and order.
What is a society? Who makes it? Who runs it? Who rules it? How does it work? To all these questions, I find just one simple answer, WE! Let's just look back and see what we have in store to ponder upon from our past, our history, our culture. Indian history dates back to 2500 BC if I might not be wrong here. Let's see what has been for us in all these years. We started as a neolithic culture or stone age, moved ahead to the mature Harappan phase of the Indus Valley Civilization, then the Dravidian civilization began in the southern India. By 1800 BC we Indians were in the Iron Age and by 1500 BC the Vedic period had begun marking the dawn of education as also of religion as the purpose of life. The Jain tirthankaras, the spread of Buddhism, the Vedas and by 483 BC there was Ramayana. And then, in 1498, Vasco De Gama discovers India, and from there on, the Portuguese and the English kept ruling India till 1947 when finally, India got "FREEDOM". The Indian legislation was formed and FREEDOM was given a new definition, India was declared a Democratic Republic Nation where every individual shall have a right of: Freedom of Thought, Speech & Action that may not be harmful to any other person. The Government shall be For the People, By the People and Of the People! 
Wow, sounds so good! BUT is this followed in real life. Most wold say YES to it. I would ask a question again, if yes, Why is it illegal to be a Homosexual? Why are Transgenders treated as unacceptable? Why has poverty become a religion? Why is it still a curse to be born a female? Why does dowry system still exist? Why are child marriages yet on the cards? why aren't we able to move out of the vicious circle of poverty-illiteracy-un-education-overpopulation?
WHY WHY WHY, I keep asking myself, and finally tired of getting a no reply to these unending question, I leave this article un-ended as well, for you, the reader, to ponder upon the same! If we all ask ourselves these prime questions that deals with the secret of our own existence, may be, someday, we will achieve what they call FREEDOM! 

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