Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Love - Un-love - Re-love (Part 1)

Wow, what a phrase! Love - Un-love - Re-love

I read on one of the t-shirts at a roadside vendor's shop - "Recycle love - Date more people."

A thought that keeps striking the universe of all ages of people is - what is love? And the answers include a variety of weird thoughts. But, upon a deep thought, what I felt was, love ain't anything. It's a feeling of nothingness, a feeling of numbness within your heart, a longing for belonging. Love cannot be defined in words and nor can it be expressed through words. Eyes speak and the hearts communicate - probably the only way of communication that science doesn't approve of.
Having a relationship with yourself is more important than any other relationship. If you can be happy about the fact that "you are" - you can be loved and you can love. I have heard people say "if you love me..." But hello, does love come with conditions? No. Love and selflessness are synonymous. But, that doesn't mean a relationship can be allowed to become parasitic and misuse the other person.
And what happens when a relationship falls out? Heart break & heart burn! And than a generic statement "I won't be bale to love again." But really, is that the truth? Practice makes a person perfect, so if you have loved once, shouldn't it mean that you can love easily the next time :-)?? Having stayed in a relationship for too long can make you rust, so dust the rust out & re-find the lost you. go out, date that hot guy you had a crush on, go propose that girl you loved when in college, go on a shopping spree, fall in love with everything that life has to offer, travel every nook & corner of the world you always wanted to. BE SINGLE again. 

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