Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Turning 30:Two is a company three is a crowd and Here's your third, Baiju & Nishant!

Two of my very close friends, at the newest turns of their lives! And it's terrific that they are the better halves of each other!

Both of them are at the threshold of the best time of their lives, parenthood!

And here I am, unable to go to them, unable to hug them and let them know how much I love them, unable to let them see my tears of joy, unable to express my feelings for them. All I can do is, write this and let them know how much their special occasions mean to me. 

Baiju & Nish - The one couple I know who is like mercury. Firm like metal to make sure that they rule their life and not the other way round BUT as flexible as liquid, getting fit in every role that life has to offer them. They're the rocks of my life, the pillar which silently supports me, come what may. We don't talk often, we meet rarely - but when we do, we can catch up from the end of thread we left. No complaints, no regrets in our relationship. 

They're there, standing at the threshold of the most beautiful relationship - Parenthood. How I wish I could fly and hug you both, let you know how happy I am that you're screwed too, like I am. Your own flesh and blood is here to make sure you can't sleep through the nights peacefully, your own alarm, that will wake you up at every possible instance, making you almost jump out feeling terrified and elated, all at the same time. Changing diapers will be your top priority now, and, trust me, you'll love it thoroughly! 

Not that it's an easy task, it surely ain't. It's like taming a wild horse. But, the sheer joy it brings along cannot be traded for any other happiness of life. I'm sure your baby is going to be as much a rock star as you two; as charming and beautiful as Baiju and as witty and intelligent as Nish. what a deadly combination - world, beware, the lord has arrived to rule you! 

To you both, loads of love, endless long hugs and countless kisses. Congratulations! To the little handsome dude, welcome to the world, we're here to train you to be exactly how your mum-dad were - Bwahahhaa!

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