Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Shades of Grey - are they only for common man? Did Hitler or Gandhi not have them?

Some discussions turn to agreements and some turn to arguments but those with the self usually turn to disappointments.

The carefree, violent little spoilt girl that I was is long lost. I used to love it when people fought, although I never understood why! I used to enjoy talks that involved serving "right" to those who were "bad".

Today, when I sit with a buddy discussing Gandhi, Hitler or Gadaffi, I realise that we are all conditioned to think that either something is "good" or "bad" - it can't be "good & Bad" at the same time. So, if a person does something wrong, he/she is bad and if a person has done something right, he/she is termed as good.

Why can't there be a little good in everybad or a little bad in every good? Is the inhuman behaviour towards the "bad" justified? I am not religious, so those who might be highly religious, please explain if any religion justifies torturing a sinful person to death. Punishment must be served, but, as humans, are we supreme? Do we have all the rights to decide who gets what?

When I think of rapists and their brutal acts like the one on Nirbhaya, my blood boils and I feel like I'll burst. When I discuss of Hitler, my eyes don't dry, I keep shedding tears of grief. When I recently saw a video of how Gaddaffi was killed, my heart pained. When I hear about Gandhi and Nathuram Godsay, my heart skips a beat.

BUT the prime question is who and what do I support.

I support humanity - indifferent of the fact whether it is towards Nirbhaya, her rapist, Hitler, the Germans, Gaddaffi, Nathuram or Gandhi. I support humanity. A victim might be given a choice to choose punishment for the criminal but as observers, we may not judge anyone! What happened to Gandhi or Hitler or Gadaffi has gone down in the books of history and that is why it affects me very little but what happens to every Nirbhaya walking on road affects me more because that is happening now, today and if not stopped it will continue till eternity.

One may hate Hitler or Musolini more than a rapist walking freely on road because they killed more numbers. BUT if I had a choice, I'd set Nathuram Godsay free in exchange of a rapist psychopath being put behind the bars.

Reason being very simple - chances of another Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussain being nurtured are lesser compared to chances of a rapist being fed.

We all are shades of grey, the only question here is, if your grey affects someone else negatively, it must be ended.

Try to find goodness all around, help people find goodness all around - mere talks of a better tomorrow will never bring sunshine, believe in it and live it to make it happen. Forgive and let go if you can and if not, atleast don't plant the seeds of hatred in others. Take revenge if you really want to but neither preach nor practice it.

One shall reap as he sows - let's sow little love to reap more of it and diminish as much hatred as we can. Let our history books be revised and instead of teaching "Hitler was a bad man" let's teach "A man like Hitler might also have good qualities, but that doesn't give him a right to do wrongful things to others."

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