Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Ferocious 5 - milestone 1!

The first thought on my mind when I wake up till I retire is YOU my little darling. From just a n embryo to a tall 6-year-old, you’ve come a long way in achieving your milestone 1, completing 5 years of your life. I never thought I’d be able to nurture a life, but I now believe that the best task I can ever do is to be a mommy! We’ve had our share of parenting troubles in our relationship. Sometimes I’ve messed it up and sometimes succeeded beyond expectations; sometimes you’ve been terrible but most times you’ve been the world’s best kid. So, when I take an average of it all, we’ve been super awesome together.
From a tiny little soul who couldn’t even wake up or sleep on his own, you’ve now turned to a young independent thinker. I can’t imagine how quickly time has flown by (giving me a few more greys). Seems like just yesterday when I was told I’m pregnant and I was too overwhelmed to even speak for next two days. Those beautiful 7 months of my life can never be replaced, that joy, fulfillment and love that I experienced is incomparable, but those 7 months seemed to have lasted like just as long as 7 minutes.
I was told I’m going to have you in my arms in next couple of hours and all the pain vanished in thin air. I started waiting to see the man I’d already fallen in love with. That first cry, those big eyes, pink skin and a 3.5 kilo bundle of joy was handed to me to adore for a lifetime and I thought I’ll let you be small for as long as possible. But you, my little sweetheart, couldn’t contain the excitement of coming to this world and you turned one soon. That little crawler with dark hair and thunder thighs grew up to be a climber and a runner too soon for me to catch up with. And while I was still busy cherishing those newly learnt words MUMMA, you started talking like you were never going to stop (and it hasn’t yet stopped). The skills I thought only existed in those parenting books were actually building up in front of my eyes and I could barely contain my excitement. I’d crawl and run with you, I’d speak the same accent as you, I’d speak on the toy phone you handed me, I’d cook and serve in your toy kitchen, we’d drink from toy glasses and oh my God, we’d cuddle endlessly, kiss passionately and laugh out loud at every single achievement. I miss it all, but I’m glad you’ve finally outgrown my lap to discover the world all by yourself. I’m going to hang around for a couple of years more (till you ask me to stop interfering) but let me assure you that my physical presence doesn’t matter. You’re a part of my being and so whenever you need me, you’ll find me within you.

HaPpY BiRtHdAy To YoU & mE aS wE bOtH fInIsH 5

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