Thursday, 3 August 2017

Veganasaurs - Vegesaurs - Humanasaurs

YES, I am a vegetarian AND No, I don't eat ONLY vegetables. 

I don't usually mention that I'm a vegetarian, but, when I do they suddenly turn to evolutionary nutritionists who are worried about all my problem and calcium intake. I've got 99 problems in life and protein isn't one of them. 

Vegans and vegetarians are tired of being  interrogated for their food habits like it was a question of their existence. 
How do you live without bacon? Chill, it's just a slice of pig flesh not oxygen tank.
Do you drink? Beer, whiskey and wine are all made out of plants! Wake up. 
What about your protein intake? I get my protein from the same place that your "protein" gets theirs from.  
Being one must be really tough? Life's a bitch but, it isn't as tough as being killed.
Do you miss meat? Nope, I miss hope in humanity! 
Not even "a little" meat? Can you please be a little less stupid.
How about fish? Does it grow on trees?

I was born in a society of vegetarians, I grew up to be one but was never forced to choose it. I am not a vegetarian because I don't like eggs and meat, rather, I'm a vegetarian because I have the courage to take responsibility of my choices, because I have the courage to survive off animals for my food. clothes and shelter, because animals are not created for my appetite and pleasure AND I'm certainly not a vegetarian because it is "the in thing" to do! People who say and think that I must be weak because of being a vegetarian clearly have no idea about how much strength it takes to stand up for what you believe in. 

I am not against anyone who eats meat, in fact, I live in and am surrounded by awesome people who happen to eat meat. I'm not trying to convert people's choices and similarly I'd expect equal respect for the choices a vegan or a vegetarian makes. Like one of the versus in bible says "What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them." Don't judge anyone by their choices and circumstances, it doesn't define or defy who they really are.

The recent beef ban and the aggressive way in which we are reacting to it is a proof that we just wait for a chance to pounce on someone who doesn't make same choices as ours. Let's be and let others be FREE to choose to eat what they want to. All of us have our religious beliefs and choices, let's not force them unto others .I firmly believe that if you cannot stand watching it produced, you shouldn't be eating it. I love being a vegetarian, my body is a garden not a graveyard. It feels amazing to be healthy, well-fed and kind - all at the same time! But it doesn't mean that those who relish their chicken tikka and mutton kebabs are unkind. It simply means that we made different choices. 

From the files of a human who happens to be a vegetarian! 

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