I was at on a trip to Jaipur recently where I met my 'ol pals from post-graduation days. Having met after almost 8 years, we were all very excited and started talking about life and careers.
An amazing walk down the memory lane. Surprisingly, I got to know that I was nick-named Jhansi ki Rani while one of them was a famous flirt & the other one known for his ability to coax people, for the kind of personality traits we had. Strangely enough, they also thought of me as the "official speaker" of PGDM- batch 2006-08 for a reason that I never used to prepare presentations, but always delivered the ones made by the team (hahahehhe) and managed to grab a bag full of marks :-)
And than, as we had studied MBA together, and I had chosen International Business unlike most others, and so, I was bound to receive this million dollar question, "So, Flora, you took up IB, right? Than how did you land up being a teacher (giggles), couldn't you do anything else?" Before I could even think of anything, snap came another question, "Teacher, huh? Honestly, what do you make?"
How i wish I wasn't asked this one, because now, I'll have to give an honest reply, seriously!
"Well", I asked my banker & manager & Engineer friends - "What do you make?" And the 5-6 figure salaries with powerful corporate names came flowing in.
"Oh wow, sounds good! So you guys make so much money, is that all?" I asked.
"Yes teacherji, this is all we make but look at you, (with fits of laughter) you are still teaching twinkle twinkle to KG kids, you have the potential to shift to a corporate why are you wasting your time in teaching?"
I've had enough by now - with a smile on my face I began honestly (because I was asked to be honest) - I wish they hadn't done that, because I have a policy that if you ask for it, I'll let you have it:
This is what I said:
"Oh well, I don't really make much except for the fact that,
I make students realize their own potential the way no one else ever can,
I can make an A- on a report card feel like a slap on the face of champions,
And also can I make a C+ look like heavenly shine for a slow learner,
I dare to tell them NO & make them disciplined,
I can make 40 kids sit quietly and study for hours (while you struggle handling one at home),
I can make a 100 kids sit and work on a project & make a ship that actually sails,
I can make banker, engineer & manager parents tremble with terror when I call them to talk about their own child's progress,
I make them learn math & talk in languages you can only imagine, the language of love & compassion & responsibility,
I let them make this world a better place to live & much better a legacy to leave,
I answer the toughest questions they ask - "Where, why, what, whom, why, how:"
I can simply make circles with my red pen & the cuts that it gives are sharper than that of a sword,
I make them understand the meaning of the words they choose to say & the repercussions thereof,
I make them realize that they are humans and not pets to be domesticated, that they have the freedom to learn, speak, express & love,
I make them analyze & help them realize their dreams,
I make kids question, criticize, apologize, spell, write, read, feel, say, think - I make them PEOPLE!
And so, to conclude,
I beseech them and summon them to speak with certitude, to say what they believe, feel & think - in a manner that speaks the perseverance of their thoughts."
Most importantly, they know the difference between the importance and impotence of every career (teachers included)
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